Monday, November 8, 2010

Party of Two

The mid-term elections have come and gone, and we now have a new set of leaders to (hopefully) guide us into prosperity.  Whether you agree or disagree with the results, let's all hope we see brighter days ahead.  

Now here is my question: Is that it?

Currently in the United States of America there is 1 Independent Governor out of 50, 2 non-major party Senators (who both caucus with Democrats) out of 100, and 0 non-Republican or Democratic Representatives out of 435.  Is this what was supposed to happen?  

Having to choose between only two parties is, to put it bluntly, a failure of democracy.  We gained our freedom so that we could have the right to choose our paths.  The fact is that in today's world if we don't vote for either a Republican or a Democrat our voice effectively doesn't matter.  Anyone else feel like that's a slap in the face of our Founding Fathers?  The whole point of declaring our independence was to be able to make our own choices.  Now, all those choices have been narrowed down to two.  TWO.  If you vote Independent, Libertarian, Green, etc, no matter your reasons, your candidate sadly has almost no chance of winning.   

When our country was being founded, the Framers (people who wrote the Constitution) designed our system so that voters could make a smart, educated decision about what was best for them and their communities.  Today, I get the feeling that many people don't even take the time to think about the issues in depth.  They hear about 10 minutes of propaganda from one side or the other and vote with whatever party they voted for previously in their lives (probably whatever party their parents supported).  

This is not to say that all politicians are bad.  Many of our representatives our genuine, caring people.  Unfortunately, they are overshadowed by those who would try to corrupt our great country.  I hope someday they will be the majority.  

So, all that said, what are your thoughts?  What do you think about our current political system?  Please, comment!

"I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever, in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else, where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent. If I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all."
--Thomas Jefferson to Francis Hopkinson, 1789


  1. The entire system is broken, but everyone has a "chance" at being elected. It just always comes down to the 2 parties because they've gained the most power. But honestly, I don't put much stock in any politician because they all have to play the game just to get to that point.

    Anyone smart enough to be a good president is too smart to run for it.

  2. You're a significantly better writer than I expected.

    I am incredibly frustrated with the political system, both parties, and the stupid amounts of cash that are thrown about in hopes of earning a comparatively meager income. Speaking of, would you like a raise? Say 'aye'.

    Spending can't be cut, it will hurt re-election. Taxes can't be increased, it will hurt re-election. The budget has to fix itself, otherwise it will hurt re-election. For these reasons I also blame the voters for acting like children. The voters' "All I want is more" take on spending cuts and tax increases doesn't allow for any politician to make a proper long term decision.

  3. After decades of switching back and forth between a proclaimed “big government” party and a proclaimed “small government” party, where are we at? Corporate bailouts by both parties, Patriot Act destruction of rights, constant government growth, and federally run health care. The end result is we all lose our liberties and our freedom. What is the result of the two party system? A power struggle. Both parties claim to represent the people and, through the power struggle, both do the citizens more harm than good. As in all power struggles, we the citizens, are the losers.
    “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. “ John Adams
    What about a third party? There is the Libertarian Party, which is Wyoming’s oldest third party with the platform of smaller government, fewer taxes, and individual liberties based on the Constitution. There is also the Constitution Party, which is now petitioning for ballot access.
    Today where it is nearly impossible for an average blue collar worker to run for an office because of family responsibilities, a full time job, and living paycheck to paycheck, what is the first step toward a solution but in a third party? Could it be an alternate conservative party that is not in the power struggle? How about one that has candidates who run for office based on their values, instead of a party agenda. A party whose elected representatives will vote on bills based on their own good judgment, and a party who will run legislators who will introduce bills to gain back our true liberty, and our state sovereignty.
    It is time that the citizens take a stand and say “No, what is best for the citizens of the United States of America is most important. No, we won’t take it anymore. Yes, we are going to vote you out, and vote in citizens (as originally intended by the constitution) like us who will not rule over us, but work to regain our liberties, our rights, and our freedom.”
    Here is an article I wrote a few months ago.
    Some points I learned throughout my campaign.
    1. 2 people on my campaign crew are also Republican Precinct committee members and got repramanded for supporting me by the party.
    2. All the republicans that held office all the way up to U.S. Senator Enzi ran a slam campaign against me.
    3. Quote from Wyoming Republican Party Chair "We cannot give up power. Mostly, we cannot give up power to the third and independent catigories."
    We are however, gaining. The percentage of Ind. and third party candidates are going up. So are the voting percentages, but slowly. It is not a protest vote, it is voting int the person that you want, and working for a dream of everyone being independent and eliminating the parties and holding your representative and not a party accountable. It is voting for what you believe, fighting for a candidate you belive in, or fighting as a candidate for constitutional values. It is earning with action our freedom, not the liberties that the donkey and the elephant claim they give us, only keep them in a seat of power. It is leading by example. It is American, even if we must show the way to all who only vote (and live) within their safety net. When the count was done, I recieved over 15% of the vote. That is how many people I was acually able to talk too. That is a hell of a start. So, now this beggs the question...Are you going to be part of the problem or the solution? "I can't be done" is what most say, but "it can be" is the answer of a great man, and a leader.

  4. Nick, I thought it was awesome the way you ran for election. You did it the right way, and I'm proud to say you're my cousin. Even though we disagree on some political issues, the manner in which you sought to help our country really inspired me. It's too bad the system works the way it does, but I know someday you'll show how good of a leader you can be for the people of Wyoming.

  5. We will have to see. You don't know how good or terrible you would be unless you get to the position. I am still in the running though. I recieved 12 volunteers e-mails this week asking when to plan for the next campaign. It is nice to have people who believe in you. Biggest thing I have found if you want to get involved is to just do it. It takes more time and energy than anyone of the working class can afford to spend, but you cannot achieve major goals without major sacrifices. Another thing, it will always seem like you are getting no-where...but remember the smallest step forward is still a step in the right direction. (I just made that up, i think). Thanks for the support cuz, next year prepare to get wipped in football. Keep being inspired to help our great union, and never let that light flicker out.


  6. Dear Mike,

    Everytime I read your blog I am stunned by your amazing writing and power to encourage my mind to think further.

    Although not an American citizen, comparing this to the UK I feel the same way, even though I've just about become able to vote, I don't feel it's fair to the other politicians and the votes for those that aren't so popular are in fact, worthless. I regularly watch the news and politics programmes with my family, and I realise many people feel the same way.

    The now coalition government hasn't done much here either - yet (I hope). In fact leaders are going against their policies - with regards to the raise in tuition fees.

    Thank you for writing :)
