Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ninja Idol Tube

You might never guess it, but Youtube, Ninja Warrior, and American Idol all have something in common. What is it, you ask? Well, think about the people that have been made famous because of them: Bo Burnham, Makoto Nagano (OK, maybe he’s more popular in Japan…), Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, etc. When they were growing up, do you think any of them imagined that these would be the things that made them famous? Heck, these things weren’t even close to being created!

These people were just living their lives, trying to do something, when an opportunity arose, and opened the door to success. They then had the skills necessary to kick that door in and make it big. I love this, because it reminds me that anything is possible. Maybe I’m not that funny, or crazy athletic, or an amazing singer. But I’m something. So are you. Will there be a day down the road when the masses look for someone like us? I surely hope so!

It just goes to prove that anyone can make it big; we just need the right opportunity. Maybe yours hasn’t been thought of yet, or maybe you’ll be the next person in a long line of successes. Only you can make it happen, though. Take a chance.

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
--Thomas Edison


  1. It's so true. It won't fall into your lap, but it's darn close. These are things that nearly everyone has access to, and don't take a degree to try out. You lose nothing by trying, and if you fail, you only make your path straighter!

    Now post another blog!
