Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cognitive Freedom

As life moves along, I find it harder than I imagined writing a new blog post. Topics run through my head, but I have trouble actually writing them down (or typing them for that matter). I mean, who am I to be publishing works for the world to see? What knowledge, what experience do I have that enables me to be giving advice or sharing information?

I’ve found though, through research (see below), that blogging isn’t about teaching. It isn’t about telling people what to think, or trying to solve world problems. It’s about writing your thoughts, saying what you have to say, no matter who happens to read it. (Although the more, the merrier!) Information is no good unless it’s shared. What kind of world would we live in if everyone who obtained knowledge and experience chose to keep it to themselves? A pretty dumb, most likely primitive world, I imagine.

So my blogging life has changed. Good or bad, expect to see more posts! And I encourage you to start your own blog as well! You never know what you might discover.

As for my research, here are some of my favorite blogs:

Jason Mraz

Maggie Whitley, aka "Gussy"

John & Wendy Brookhouse and thier adoption story

“If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
--Toni Morrison


  1. Wow, that's a really interesting point you raise. I think sharing information and thoughts - like you've correctly said is pretty vital.

    Please keep blogging!!!
