Sunday, April 25, 2010

Blog Post #1!

This is my first real blog (unless you count xanga) (does anybody count xanga?). It has no name, as of yet, but that will probably change. I have started this as a creative outlet for my thoughts, and to be able to hear the opinions of other people. That means you. If you read this, I want your thoughts and comments.

The topics of this blog will vary greatly, and that is what I hope makes it intriguing. And hopefully, the more intriguing this is, the more people will want to read it, and ideally contribute to it.

My life, like most lives, has taken many twists and turns and thus far ended up not anywhere near what I had pictured even 5 years ago. This blog may generate almost no readers, and be taken down in a matter of weeks. However, it may also, like my life, end up exceeding all my expectations and become more popular than I can imagine at this moment. Years down the road, I may read this first post and laugh at the modesty in which I wrote it. Only time will tell.

Until next time, I leave you with the words of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain):
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one."

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'm too old to even know what xanga is (u & Paige did explain it once). But I'm starting to 'get' this blog thing.
    It's great ur doing this, total courage.
    Put yourself out there, I'll read it! I've always loved & respected your honesty and humble nature.

    btw;You have sensational inspiration from the other blogs u referenced.
